First flight!

Last Sunday one of my dreams became true. It was near Navalcarnero, a litle village near Madrid. For the first time in my life I piloted a plane.

This was the Christmas present of my girlfriend, and probably is the best present anyone has ever gave me. Almost a year after I have goose pimples. It was in a winter afternoon, the sun was steadily falling below the line of the horizon.

The aircraft was a white and blue Tecnam Sierra...I will never forget that plane, the first and maybe the last that I piloted ever. Since we got into the cockpit until I got out, the fifteen minutes I spent up there were really intense! We performed some fly-by the airfield, a touch and go and the final landing...

This picture was taken that day at 3,000 feet above sea level, over Casarrubios airfield, near Navalcarnero.

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